Child Abuse Lawyers
Abuse Lawyers is a national team of laywers/solicitors covering the whole of England and Wales and parts of Europue and the USA. Our lawyers will come and see you wherever you are. We act for clients anywhere in the world who have been victims of sexual abuse.
We have a team of highly trained lawyers and solicitors dedicated to helping survivors of abuse seeking compensation. Representing adults and children often distressed by recounting the traumatic emotional, physical or sexual abuses from their past, our specialist team can act for individuals and group actions, on a national, international basis.
Abuse Lawyers can help with bringing child abuse legal action for historic abuse against individual abusers, foster parents, employers, sports or youth clubs, religious or charitable organisations, social services and beyond – the list is extensive.
Child Abuse Compensation
If you’re considering starting a physical or sexual abuse compensation claim, it can be useful and reassuring to know how the claims process works ahead of time.
Here’s a quick look at the claims process, step-by-step:
Contact Abuse Lawyers to arrange a 100% confidential consultation. At this private consultation, arranged at a place and time to suit you, our experienced solicitors will take the details of your case. We’ll take a full history of what happened, the dates and timeline, details of any physical injuries and a statement about psychological trauma you may have experienced.
Our solicitors gather further evidence and information. Once you’ve provided all the information and details you can, you can leave the rest of the work to our experienced, highly trained team of physical and sexual abuse claim solicitors.